Finding My Colour Space

Bhanvi Badyal
4 min readMay 8, 2021

I still remember the day I was first introduced to crayons, I was in kindergarten and I started with a very basic drawing of a mango. I was amazed to see how that yellow tinge just added life to the sketch. Since then whenever I used to see different kinds of paints in the market I being an adamant child would make my father buy me those colourful palettes.

Me And My Magic Brush

Summer break used to be my favorite time of the year as I got to explore my creativity with colours and every day a blank sheet of paper was transformed into some art magic. To date, I have painted a lot that I can’t even remember the exact count of things drawn. As a child, I don’t know there was a strange connection I felt with colours, once the brush was in my hands, the sense of time disappeared and I could only see my vibrant Wonderland.

Bandana Girl

However, the problem to keep that creative spark alive, came when I entered middle school and studies became my priority. Then came the pressure of Boards, entrance exams, college admissions, college studies and now job.

Being a Software Engineer, my canvas got replaced with a 22-inch screen and my magic brush got replaced by a mouse. For me, life of an engineer has just started and I feel that as a beginner my enthusiasm is at another level which inspires me to learn more and more on the job. Somewhere down the line, unknowingly, I have dedicated my complete focus towards my work and sometimes I am putting in more than what is required. Due to this, my screen time ranges from about 8–10 hours per day. I know that this is a lot for an average SDE Intern but I get too much absorbed into deploying stories, analyzing the data, attending meetings and brainstorming to fix code bugs. Talking about bugs, one of the bugs in my life is not getting time to paint. Although a little pressure has set off because of WFH yet we can’t just overlook the bigger chaos this world has stepped in.

The Grey Strokes

It horrifies me to hear news of thousands of people dying every day because of Covid-19. This pandemic has given a major setback to people all over the world by losing their loved ones, it has mentally affected so many lives. A frightening spike in Covid cases in India’s second wave has left everyone in deep shock. As India struggles to overcome this hellacious challenge I would urge everyone who is reading this article to stay at home and follow the Covid norms.

Now you must be wondering the reason to have digressed from the topic. Well, it was crucial to give you an insight into the above scenario to give you this message that even though being surrounded by negativity and, heart-wrenching situation you should try to stay calm and look for ways to heal your soul. When it rains look for rainbows and when it’s dark look for stars, find your positive energy in things that calm you and gives a ray of hope.

My Silver Lining

Through this pandemic and my busy schedule, I have woken up that creative spark again. Rather than listening to the news and making myself sad, I have started giving time to painting. Since the beginning of this pandemic, I made sure to plan my schedule this way that I get to paint every evening and enhance my creativity plus productivity.

Starry Nights

Whenever I feel unhappy I immediately look for my colours and canvas. God, that feeling which you experience by doing something you love which gives you slight tranquility in this depressing atmosphere is indescribable. Rather than going through social media before bed, I scroll through my Pinterest to find new inspirations to paint the next day.

Ladakh and Beach in water colours

Till now I have tried different art styles starting with watercolours, mandala art, polaroid art, CD art, and my newfound interest in illustration art. Doing what you love replenishes your soul and fills your heart with positivity again.


In between my projects and conference calls if I am able to spare some time for myself for my drawing I definitely go ahead with that. For me art is meditation and it has proved to be a great therapy to enrich your soul. So you see how colours soothe me and make me forget everything for a moment.

Ergo, find your colour space amidst COVID and your busy schedule. I found mine back, now it’s your turn!

Stay Safe, Stay Healthy!



Bhanvi Badyal

Software Developer, a Boho Girl when it comes to aesthetics. Passionate Dancer, Love for water colours is eternal. Masala chai is my companion while working!